Thursday 15 March 2012

idea and story board.

i'm going to use pixilation to create a 30 second animation of someone eating candy. i will use a real person instead of a clay model. the music i have decided to use as background music is  Aggro Santos - Candy.


* Person walks onto camera
* Pull out the candy
* Lick lips
* Unwrap sweet
* Face is deighted
* Big Obvious Bites
* Obvious chewing
* Repeat until candy 'has been eaten
* When done, Sick it back up

The end

Animation Ideas

i have decided to do my animation as a pixilation. in the style of 'Pez'
i have looked at some of his ideas, and used the techniques he has used in his animations.
i  especially like his 'Human Skateboard' idea as it is original.

This is his short animation for Human Skateboard
eatPES - Home of the Twisted Films of PES

Thursday 2 February 2012


for my own animation project i would like to use cut out animation because it is the easiest one to use for me and i enjoy using it

Thursday 26 January 2012

how to put sound on a video, on garage band

i opened garage band and dragged both the video and audio up to start together.
then i deleted all of the audio that was to long for the video
then i added a fade so that the audio faded out at the same time as the video

Thursday 10 November 2011

model based animation

this is my first example of model based animatio, its supposed to be a smiley mouth but i dont think its worked to well

Thursday 3 November 2011

Model based animation

In this animation some type of model is used to control motion. The animator is responsible for setting up the rules of the model and animation is done by developing motion that corresponds to the rules of the model. Complex motion can be attained, but detailed control of the motion is removed from the hands of the animator.

Cell Based Animation

Cell-based animation is where each cell is reproduced and variations are made to the next cell. This continues until there is a series of cells. Each cell is slightly different from the previous. It gives the appearance of movement, thus animation. 
this is an example of pixilation