Thursday 10 November 2011

model based animation

this is my first example of model based animatio, its supposed to be a smiley mouth but i dont think its worked to well

Thursday 3 November 2011

Model based animation

In this animation some type of model is used to control motion. The animator is responsible for setting up the rules of the model and animation is done by developing motion that corresponds to the rules of the model. Complex motion can be attained, but detailed control of the motion is removed from the hands of the animator.

Cell Based Animation

Cell-based animation is where each cell is reproduced and variations are made to the next cell. This continues until there is a series of cells. Each cell is slightly different from the previous. It gives the appearance of movement, thus animation. 
this is an example of pixilation


this is an example of other peoples pixilation work.

Thursday 13 October 2011


Today we learned about pixilation, we have a first draft to go on later
my group was Amy Fall and Emily Tatters. Pixilation animation is like time lapse animation except you can use real people to pose in certain places to create the effect of them moving

Thursday 6 October 2011

cut out animation

after looking into other peoples cut out animation last lesson we have started to create our own, we have came up with a story which will last approximately 10 seconds, found the pictures i need and cut them out, we then as a group started to play around and record little bits of our animation

Thursday 29 September 2011

cut out animation

today we looked at cut out animation, this is where you use cuttings from magazines and news papers and animate them. we found a video for cut out animation that we liked. then got in groups and started working on our own

Cut out animation

Cut-Out Animation from Adrian Navarro on Vimeo.

this is an example of cut out animation. i found this on vimeo

Thursday 22 September 2011

group time lapse

this video is a time lapse video i made as part of a group

time lapse video

Timelapse: Day to Night at Joshua Tree from Tom Lowe on Vimeo.

this is an example of a time lapse video.
time lapse is a form of animation, the camera takes pictures at regular intervals and plays them back over a short period of time and makes your brain think they are moving.
in this video it shows the process of the sky going from day to night.

Thursday 15 September 2011

persistence of vision

persistence of vision is when your eye keeps an image of something in your brain after you've seen it and when we see images in a quick sequence then we don't notice the skips between the images because the persistence fills the milli-second gap to make the images look like they are moving

Thursday 8 September 2011

first blog.

I'm chelsea. and this blog is part of my media course. this is where i will post my media work that ive completed